Raptor Conservation Group

Dedicated to preserving the remaining wild life population.

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The Raptor Conservation Group was founded out of love for the environment, nature and the wildlife it supports, whether in the sea, on the land, or in the air. Its mascot is Rocky, the famous Staffordshire Bull-terrier, from the Rocky Book Series, an adventure series that teaches environmental morals and principles by…

The Fate Of The rhino

Rhinos in the world are under pressure, no–where, it seems are they safe. Poachers have no love of wildlife, no love of nature, they see both as a means to wealth, caring not, the pain and abject suffering they cause. Their methods are brutal at best, horrific at worst. Imagine being…

Rocky Books

I’ve had Rocky since he was a pup and it has just been Rocky and me forever. We’ve had many adventures together, some good, some not so good and quite painful. There was a time when Rocky got lost and I spent many sleepless nights and days searching for him,…

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